The U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy recently released a Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Parents, highlighting the urgent need to better support parents, caregivers, and families to help our communities thrive.
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With approximately 24,000 students, Drexel University is one of America’s 15 largest private universities. Drexel serves three distinct populations: students, faculty, and professional staff. In some cases, a lack of integration among these groups can make wellness a little harder to deliver. “Although our program is mostly geared toward employees, we try to bring all our populations together whenever possible,” said Monica Fauble, wellness consultant for Drexel. “A few examples are our walking club and meditation groups, which are open to students, faculty, and staff.”
Despite these opportunities for coming together, at the end of the day, each population is entirely unique. Staff work year-round on a set schedule, while faculty members have varying schedules with many on nine-month appointments and differing times on campus. “This affects how we plan and how we present events,” Fauble said. “We are very thoughtful about how we avoid contributing to a culture of silos while making sure we are meeting the needs of each population.”
Being a part of a university creates certain advantages for wellness as well. “A great advantage we have as a research institution is that we can pull from internal experts on a wide range of topics,” Fauble said. “We recently had a graduate student who helped us address the science and stigma of depression and create a great learning opportunity for our employees. Also, one of our professors just published a cookbook on anti-inflammatory eating, so we also collaborated with him to bring his expertise to our population.”
Drexel was already focused on emotional well-being, but the university dialed up support during the pandemic after seeing a dramatic increase in mental health claims for therapy services. “When we saw the increased demand for mental health support, we doubled down on making sure our employees knew help was available and how to access it,” Fauble said. “We also wanted to make sure we were fully supporting acute mental health stressors as well as more chronic issues such as substance abuse, anxiety and depression. Many of the issues that popped up during the pandemic, such as suddenly having no childcare, were unprecedented. There were no experts in how to telework with young children at home because that issue was relatively new. We started support groups for employees who were working from home with young children to help them navigate some of the life challenges that were coming at them because of the pandemic. The key was giving our people a space where they could engage with their biggest challenges.”
Another key addition during the pandemic was the Ten at 10 Program. “Ten at 10 was an initiative we created to encourage employees to participate daily in self-care,” said Fauble. “Every morning at 10 a.m. we collectively take a break as a university and engage in wellness-minded activities.’ Here is a rundown of the Ten at 10 schedule. Mondays are reserved for mindfulness. Tuesdays, employees are encouraged to get outside and experience nature. Wednesdays are for virtual chats, gathering around the proverbial watercooler. Thursdays are for giving thanks, and Fridays are a self-directed “free for all”. Employees are encouraged to choose an activity that suits their unique needs.
Drexel has also transitioned to more remote events and will continue to stay virtual with a majority of programming for the foreseeable future. This includes a Microsoft Teams channel for wellness where employees can post recipes, ask questions and engage on their own time and their own terms. “We’ve really been rethinking what connection and engagement mean,” Fauble said. While Drexel has made many adjustments for the pandemic, it also has stayed true to long-standing wellness traditions. For the past eight years, the university has hosted an employee Olympics, both for competitive and non-competitive events, which include basketball, walking, table tennis, and dodgeball. Festivities for this year’s winter Olympics include hot chocolate and a cozy fire with marshmallow roasting. It’s a time when employees can cheer each other on and connect.
Want to learn more about Drexel University’s award-winning wellness program, or how you can build your own?