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Fostering Joy to Fuel Well-Being

What is that spark that can connect us more deeply and more meaningfully to our lives and our work? Transcendent states of joy and awe contribute to a more positive relationship with work and can even impact our relationships with others. While this concept may seem nebulous, it is likely we have all experienced transcendence before. Wellness thrives when we learn how to cultivate these transcendent experiences and bring them into the everyday fabric of our lives.

In a special Annual Wellness Summit preview webcast, “Mundane to Magic: Fostering Joy to Fuel Well-Being,” Dr. Jessica Grossmeier, Ph.D., M.P.H., explores the importance of self-transcendent experiences and ways to implement transcendent practices for well-being into our daily lives.

Transcendent States and Wellness

What exactly is transcendence? Defined as “to rise above to a superior or elevated state”, transcendence is the feeling we get when we are connected to something bigger than ourselves. It is that “spiritual fuel” that makes us feel alive and is a part of the spiritual dimension of wellness. Self-transcendental mental states include awe, inspiration, wonder and joy. The experience can feel mystical and ethereal but is also powerful and, more importantly, measurable. There is a wealth of research supporting the connection between self-transcendence and well-being. When an individual is having these experiences, researchers look at what is happening in the brain, neurological pathways and the endocrine system. Results have included decreased anxiety, burnout and depression as well as increased altruism, increased compassion, and a stronger connection to oneself and others.

In the Workplace

There are numerous advantages to incorporating transcendental practices in the workplace; awe, wonder, and joy are key elements of what make a successful business. When space is made for transcendence, a perspective shift occurs, causing employees to be more open-minded. This openness can improve teamwork, encourage creativity and engagement, and decrease absenteeism. It also enables pro-social behaviors in individuals, making people kinder, easier to get along with and more likely to help others.

While experiencing transcendence is not guaranteed, there are several strategies that can make transcendent states more likely. These include exposure to nature, being fully present, mindfulness, mindful movement, volunteerism, and celebrations or rituals. The good news is lots of these already appear in workplace wellness programs! If your organization would like to increase opportunities for transcendence in the workplace, try creating spaces for reflection (especially in open office environments), gratitude challenges and volunteer match programs. Give employees the chance to get outdoors, and encourage monotasking rather than multitasking. Tactics like these brought together in a strategic way can begin to foster joy in the workplace.

Identify + Intention + Savor = Joy

Dr. Grossmeier outlines the three steps necessary for individuals to create the space for transcendence in their own lives. First, we must identify the experiences that fill us up and make us feel connected to something bigger than ourselves. This can look different for everyone—the key is to find what gives us that feeling of joy. Commonly enjoyed activities include walks in nature, mindful movement, meditation and journaling. Once these things have been identified, we have to intentionally weave the experiences into our daily rhythm. Even if it is just a minute or two while drinking our morning coffee, the time we allocate for these moments of joy must be fiercely protected. The final step is to savor these precious moments, just like you would your favorite dessert. Pay attention and be fully present in the moment. Soon, these practices will begin to seep into the rest of our day and create even more space for transcendence and joy.


Want to dive deeper? Read Dr. Grossmeier’s book, Reimagining Workplace Well-Being: Fostering a Culture of Purpose, Connection, and Transcendence. Attend Jessica Grossmeier’s keynote session at the 2024 Annual Wellness Summit to learn even more. This year, WELCOA and the National Wellness Institute (NWI) have joined forces to present the Annual Wellness Summit, August 26-29 in Chicago, Illinois.

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Rebecca Plier is diving headfirst into the wonderful world of employee benefits and workplace wellness. As a PR/Communications Specialist at WELCOA’s partner organization, the International Foundation, Rebecca shares essential information on educational programming, emerging benefits research data, member resources, and so much more. To maintain balance, she enjoys art journaling and attending regular yoga sessions.