Your Welcoa membership has expired.

Content Provider Specs

With this opportunity, you can share a case study or expert interview by providing sponsored content that will appear on your Vendor Profile listing and among featured articles in WELCOA Resources.

  1. Come up with 8-10 Questions
    We can help you get started, if needed.
  2. Write Answers to Each Question
    Aim for a total of 2,500 – 3,000 words or 300 words per question.
  3. Provide a 150-Word Bio of Your Company or Person Being Interviewed
  4. Provide Supporting Graphics and/or Photos
    That includes a headshot of the person being interviewed (if applicable), your logo and any graphics you’d like us to use. All graphics and/or photos should be 150-300 dpi resolution.
  5. Submit Your Material
    Material should be sent to on your designated due date. Any zip files should be sent by or other file sending services.
  6. Proofing and Review
    WELCOA will provide a proof for your review. At that time, you will have an opportunity to make any necessary changes.
  7. Final Approval.
    Your content must be approved at least 15 days ahead of your Well-Informed email marketing ad date.
  8. Release
    Your content piece will be released in the Well-Informed email on the same day as your Well-Informed email marketing ad.

Download sample

To submit your materials, please email all required files to a member of the PPN Team.