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20 Results

[Health Promotion Professional Toolkit] Module 9: Supporting Healthy Social Connection

Connection is one of seven distinctive elements listed in WELCOA’s Definition of Wellness. During a pandemic with social distancing, connection is even more critical and challenging. This module was designed to help you guide your employees in being deliberate about fostering the right types of social connection during this difficult time.

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[Return to Work Employee Resources] Resource 3: Effective Interaction with Others

[ TOOLKIT 4: RETURN TO WORK EMPLOYEE RESOURCES ] After months of separation, employees are learning to re-engage as many businesses start returning to the physical workplace. This module helps guide employees in ways to be more cognizant during interactions with others and effectively work together again in a physical space. This Resources is Part…

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10 Employee Resources for Navigating the Return to Work Post Pandemic

Toolkit 4 is an employee education packet developed to support your employees as they navigate the process of returning to the physical workplace after the global pandemic. It includes ten modules geared toward employees when considering things like communicating feelings with an employer, self-care practices, effective interaction with others, among other topics.

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[Return to Work Employer Resources] Module 8: Transition Tips

Returning to the workplace after a global pandemic is not going to be as simple as getting ‘back to business as usual’. There are various matters to consider to keep your employees safe and healthy in addition to being productive. This module was designed to provide you with some key factors to consider as you transition your workforce intentionally and systematically back to the physical work environment.

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10 Modules for Navigating the Return to Work Post Pandemic

As many businesses begin the process to return to the workplace after months of navigating a global pandemic, there are a number of things to consider. WELCOA partnered with Erin Coupe, Founder of Authentically EC to create this toolkit as a resource to guide employers through the process of bringing the workforce back to the workplace.

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[Employee Education Toolkit] Resource 20: Mindful Mini Breaks

Mini breaks with focused breathing will help you re-center and calm your nervous system. You can use this resource to learn how to incorporate meditative breathing into your regular routine or simply as-needed.

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[Employee Education Toolkit] Resource 2: Establishing A New Normal For Work

Work and home environments around the world are integrated and everyone is working in ways and with challenges they have never experienced before. This module was designed to give you the tools you need to practice assertiveness in your work environment to acknowledge the needs of each team member while maintaining everyone’s dignity and respect.

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[Employee Education Toolkit] Resource 1: Establishing A New Normal For Home

During this time, your normal routine may feel like a thing of the past. To make things feel more manageable, developing a new, simple routine may provide you with some predictable order to your day. This module was designed to help you create a new normal routine, while ensuring it remains flexible and realistic.

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COVID-19 Employee Education Toolkit

Toolkit 2 is a COVID-19 employee education packet to support your employees’ wellness needs in all seven areas of WELCOA’s Definition of Wellness including health, meaning, safety, connection, achievement, growth and resiliency. In this toolkit you will find content in the following sections:

1. Establishing a New Normal for Home
2. Establishing a New Normal for Work
3. Managing Anxiety
4. Social Distancing and Connection Care
5. Physical Activity at Home
6. Nutritious Food
7. Rest and Play
8. Leveraging Your Sphere of Influence In a Pandemic
9. Financial Well-being
10. Managing Expectations
11. Finding Balance
12. Connection, Empathy and Compassion
13. Setting Up Your Home Office
14. Being an Influencer for Good
15. Gratitude
16. What’s Going Well?
17. It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
18. Boosting Your Immune System
19. Medical Consumerism During a Pandemic
20. Mindful Mini Breaks

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Health Promotion Professional Toolkit

HR and corporate health promotion professionals are operating as the COVID-19 Command Centers in your companies. This toolkit is designed to be your go-to library for grab and go resources.

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