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The 411 on Wellness Incentive Laws

Avoid the legal risk of using incentives to collect health information from your employees by gaining the expertise needed to confidently design your workplace wellness strategies. WELCOA’s legal expert, Barbara Zabawa, JD, will be covering the new ADA and GINA incentive rules in this free, 1-hour webinar.

Avoid the legal risk of using incentives to collect health information from your employees by gaining the expertise needed to confidently design your workplace wellness strategies. WELCOA’s legal expert, Barbara Zabawa, JD, will be covering the new ADA and GINA incentive rules in this free, 1-hour webinar.

  • Understand the ADA and GINA wellness program rules to assess legal risk when using incentives to collect health information from employees and their families
  • Implement what you learn with practical application during the webinar to further understand how the laws impact your workplace wellness initiatives

Originally aired March 19, 2019

Download the slide handouts for this session.


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