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Video: “Are Your Employees Eating Enough to Lose Weight” – A PPN Webinar by Full Plate Living

As strange as it sounds, most of your employees are not eating enough to lose weight. Not even close. On average, only 3% of Americans are eating enough and it’s resulting in less productive employees and higher health care costs. Join Dr. Diana Fleming (PhD nutritionist) and coauthor of New York Times bestseller The Full…

Video: “Healthier Through Better Nutrition” – A PPN Webinar by NutriSavings

Premier Provider Webinar: NutriSavings Improving Population Health Outcomes Through Better Nutrition Chronic conditions including hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes, obesity, and asthma account for more than 75% of medical claims costs based on claims data analysis. The one common denominator between these chronic health conditions that every employer can relate to is poor nutrition. Poor…

Video: “A Crazy Hungarian Doctor and the Solution to Weight Loss” – A PPN Webinar by Full Plate Living

In just the past 21 years, the obesity rate has soared 150% in America. Go back to 1960 and the number has ballooned 300%. Today, 3 out of every 4 adult Americans are either overweight or obese. We’re the heaviest we’ve ever been. But what if there were ONE thing you could help your employees…

Video: “The #1 Habit Employees Need for Lasting Weight Loss” – A PPN Webinar by Full Plate Living

Study after study confirms, there’s one habit at the top of the list when it comes to achieving sustainable, lasting weight loss. No, it’s not exercise. It’s not eating more protein. Or even being more mindful. And hardly any of your employees are doing it. Watch this webinar to discover the #1 habit that can…