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11 Results

[Quick Guide] Tips for Rising Up With Resilience When Life Knocks You Down

Life is messy and sometimes we get knocked down. Rachel Druckenmiller, Founder & CEO of Unmuted, shares tips for rising up with resilience when life knocks you down in this quick guide supplement to the WELCOA Pulse: I’m Still Standing – Rising Up with Resilience When Life Knocks You Down.

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Get to Your Destination in a Healthy Way: Travel Wellness

John Ayo provides helpful advice (based on his experience) that shows business travelers how to stay healthy and productive while on the road, and ensuring that you perform at your best.

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Sample Packing Checklist: Travel Wellness

Use this guide to help you identify if you have packed all of things that you will need for your business trip. It is simply a list of things that will help you be prepared to travel with your health and wellness in mind.

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Cory Smith

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing is the Way

[ 2018 Summit / Day 2 ] Cory Smith shares anecdotes of what companies and individuals are doing to address these challenges and why now is the best time to step forward as a leader for emotional, social, and mental wellbeing in one’s organization.

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Jeff Jernigan

Bringing New Light Into the Darkness: Secrets of Sustained Resilience

[ 2018 Summit / Day 1 ] Learn about the Four Horseman of Resilience (four profound truths about resilience) from Dr. Jeff Jernigan, a Board Certified Clinical Psychologist and Chief Executive Officer for the Hidden Value Group.

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The Keys to Workplace Mental Health: Voice. Value. Vigilance.

[ 2018 Summit / Day 1 ] In this 2018 Summit Keynote, Mettie Spiess discusses the evolution of mental health in the workplace and how to create supportive stigma-free environments that save lives! Together, we apply the power of peer-to-peer support to increase employee engagement and decrease workplace anxiety. Walk away with tools and strategies to start and sustain an effective mental wellness movement in your organization.

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Expert Interview: The Under-Explored, High-Stakes Reality of Stress and Burnout at the Workplace with Dr. Jeff Jernigan

[ FREE RESOURCE ] Stress and burnout are important topics for worksite wellness teams to study, as 8 to 9 in 10 people do not manage stress in their lives adequately. And a burned-out professional who is out of his or her role for 90 days or more is extremely unlikely to return to their profession.

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Quick Guide to Beating Burnout

[ FREE RESOURCE ] Use this interactive Quick Guide to explore 5 strategies to beat burnout. Suitable for practitioners and those they serve.

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The Unmentionables of Wellness with Alexandra Drane

We spend a lot of time in the wellness industry collecting health data on the employees and community members we serve. What risk factors are really behind the poor health pandemic? Are we collecting the right data if we want to bend the trend? There are aspects of wellness that people don’t want to talk about or are afraid to talk about. Alexandra Drane discusses what some of “The Unmentionables” are and what do we do about them.

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Low Stress Eating

In WELCOA’s newest employee education presentation, take a closer look at the bidirectional relationship of stress and nutrition. Learn and share some strategies for using nutrition and stress relief to promote optimal well-being, boost immunity and fight future disease with your employees.

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