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20 Results

Expert Interview: Seven Points of Transformation with Dr. Rosie Ward + Dr. Jon Robison

People often can become overwhelmed when thinking about changing culture, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In this interview, Rosie and Jon present a blueprint that leverages their 7 Points of Transformation for building a thriving culture at work.

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Expert Interview: Understanding the Power of the Dollar with John Perkins

From the heart of the Amazon to the slopes of the Andes, John Perkins has witnessed the effects corporate greed has had on the environment and people. In this exciting expert interview, Perkins talks with WELCOA about how to create a movement while we shop, the power of gratitude, and how we can channel our emotions into worldwide change.

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Expert Interview: Exploring Purpose in Work and Life with Reggie Hammond

The question of purpose is one that has permeated every aspect of our lives, including the workplace. As employees discover what energizes them in their daily lives, workplaces have begun to recognize how pivotal the recognition of purpose is. How do we find purpose in our work and lives? What does it mean to answer a calling? WELCOA sits down with coach and leadership expert Reggie Hammond to find out the answers.

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Sit for 60 Move for 3 Poster

[Free Resource] Use this “Sit For 60, Move For 3” poster to inspire physical activity in your workforce.

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Expert Interview with Laura Putnam: Going Stealth

Learn what barriers might be holding you back from engaging employees in onsite wellness initiatives and why “going stealth” might be your next strategy for moving the needle on employee engagement.

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Dr. Vic Strecher: Purpose-Driven… Finding Purpose in Your Worksite Wellness Program

It’s safe to say that most worksite wellness programs are not “purpose-driven.” To be sure, traditional programs have focused on health risk factors and metrics; they haven’t tackled such nebulous topics like life’s purpose and meaning. But solid research is indicating that wellness professionals may want to reconsider and incorporate this critical element into their programs.

In this part-two interview, WELCOA President Ryan Picarella asks Vic Strecher to reveal the current research, the application of concepts, future direction, and the tools and resources available when it comes to making worksite wellness programs “purpose-driven.”

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Dr. Vic Strecher: A Conversation on “Purpose”

At one time or another, we’ve probably all pondered our purpose in life. What are we here for? What are we meant to do? These are certainly common questions, but the answers are not so easy to come by. Indeed, some of the brightest and most intelligent minds on the planet devote their lives to these very questions. Such is the case with Dr. Vic Strecher.

In this exclusive interview with WELCOA President Ryan Picarella, Vic discusses the importance of having “purpose” in life and health. Dr. Strecher gives, in detail, how his life was changed after the passing of his daughter, Julia, and how he was able to find new purpose for living well.

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Meredith Corporation Shares the Secrets to Its Wellness Program Success

Meredith is one of the nation’s leading media and marketing companies with more than 3,000 employees operating in locations spread across the country. In 2011, Meredith won WELCOA’s Platinum Well Workplace Award for its results-oriented wellness program. As one of America’s Healthiest Companies, Meredith has agreed to share its success story with the WELCOA Nation in this all-new WELCOA case study.

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Dr. Rosie Ward: Leveraging Well-Being to Create a World-Class Culture

These days, well-being is all the rage—and for good reason. By addressing multiple components of health (including career, social, financial, physical and community) well-being is a concept that allows organizations to think beyond the traditional boundaries of wellness. In this expert interview with WELCOA President David Hunnicutt, Dr. Rosie Ward shares important thoughts on how today’s business leaders can leverage well-being to create a world-class culture.

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Lowe’s CEO Communication to Employees

An important requirement of leading a healthy company is communication. To be effective, the CEO must communicate the importance of wellness to employees and make it a priority throughout the company. There are a variety of channels that can be leveraged to create communications campaigns within any type of organization. The first and, perhaps most basic way that the CEO can communicate the importance of wellness to the rest of the organization is through written correspondence—specifically, through emails, letters, memos, or other company publications.

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